Tender For providing of tentage service lumpsum based - medical camps in villages near closed mine within 05 km radius; logistics & delivery, power supply, tent rentals, lighting, safety measures, maintenance & support, dismantling and removal, furniture & equipment rentals..
Tender For corrigendum : supply of spares and deputation of service engineer for mechanism overhauling of of 400 kv cgpisl make sf6 cb - o ring p18 , o ring p7 , control valve seat , 3 bond compound 1 pkt 10 gms , air reservoir o ring , al. pipe o ring iap 100 , set of circlips split pins dowelpins etc , darina grease 1 pkt 250 gms , anabond 680silastic1080 100 gm , drain valve , check valve nrv , safety valve , resistor 3.3 k ohm , trip latch spring , antipumping spring , holding latch with roller bearing , bearing for barpin where holding latch gets latched , bearing for holding latch barpin mechframe , fornt rear door gaskets , operation counter , cap seal with o ring , shockproof rubber with hardwares , chemistic , bronze washer , filter pad for louvers , blind caps for gas stop valvedilo valve cap , thermostat , gas pressure gauge , air pressure gauge , air pressure switch with adopter , space heater 250w , lr switch 7 pole , tnc switch 4 pole , window glass with gasket cord , aux. switch shaft with lever , trip coil 220v dc , close coil 220v dc , 3no2ncdc contactor with add on block 4 no , 3 no2nc dc contactor with add on 2no 2nc , motor contactor 415v ac , overload relay 4 to 6a , mcb 4 pole 415v ac , mcb 2 pole 230v ac , compressor belt a63 , compressor tuneup kit , o ring iap40 , o ring iap 90 , shock absorber oil , emery pad , overhauling charges for mech of 400 kv cgl make cb type 400fm40a
Tender For providing of integrated security surveillance system service - public safety; recording devices; maximum security footage; buyers premises; role-based access control system (rbac); na; na; na; no
Tender For bid to ras providing of integrated security surveillance system service - theft prevention, remote video monitoring, outdoor perimeter security, facility/asset protection, parking lots, employee safety; recording devices, capture devices, usb; high media quality, ability to..
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : providing of annual maintenance contract of integrated security and surveillance system - monitor operations, employee safety, parking lots; comprehensive; hardware, software, networking system, license; consumables to be provided by service provider (included in the contract cost); def..
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras corrigendum : supply of printing of forms and registers - bed head ticket , prescription 100 pages , pme form o 100 pages , report of medical examination as per the recommendation of national safety conference in mines page 1 100 page , report of medical examination as per the recommendation of national safety conference in mines page 2 100 page , report of medical examination under mines rule 29b 100page , attendance register 100 page , outside refer form 100page , xray form 100 page , peon book 50 page , sick fit book 100 page , medical book 50 page , ne bill form 100 page , service book 15 page , dispatch register 100 page , receipt register 100 page , pathological form 100 page , pathological form urine and stool 100 page , day book a3 size 100 page , stock ledger book a3 size 100 page , discharge form 100 page
Tender For providing of integrated security surveillance system service - remote video monitoring, employee safety, public safety, outdoor perimeter security, smart retail (business intelligence) solution; capture devices, recording devices; high media quality; buyers prem..
Tender For corrigendum : providing of repair and overhauling service - upgradation of different lt feeders along with allied safety operational improvement work in compliance of statutory requirements in 330440 kv substation; as per nit; yes; buyer premises